I have been a bad, bad, bad blogger...

Is it time for the kids to go back to school yet??? I only sort of mean that, I like being with them but we need to get back to a routine. And I need to get back to stamping!!! No stamping, no time to blog, haven't even walked into my office in almost two weeks, except to do laundry and stash the mega pack of paper towels I bought. I am hopeing by Wednesday to have a chance to stamp, but don't hold your breath because it will probably take me a couple of days to get the house back to "normal". That and I need to figure out what is wrong with my camera, the sd card with all of my pictures from Christmas is mysteriously blank. I need to find out if this is a camera problem or a sd card problem.

In the mean time, until I have something post worthy, I have been tagged by Diane, check out her blog.
The rules of the game:
• Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
• Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, we all want to know them.
• Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
• Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
you would think that coming up with 7 random and/or weird things about me wouldn't be a problem but my brain seems a little fogged this morning, must need chocolate! Here goes:
1. I have to have a diet Pepsi every morning to jump start my day. (alright I know this isn't news to most of you but it is one of the weirdest things about me other then the whole having to0 many kids things.)
2. My favorite place in the world is Sanibel Island where I vacation just about every year with my girlfriends. A full week of no husbands or children just friends, fun and sun.
3. I love lists! I have a list of things to do before I die, a one year and a five year plan, daily check lists, shopping lists, wish lists, you name it I probably have a list for it. When I don't have a plan I feel lost, confused and don't manage to get anything done. Silly I know, but it works for me.
4. I've actually been published. But not for stamping or scrapbooking. I used to write a newsletter for our local foster parent support group. One of my articles was picked up by various state and national groups and they have reprinted my article. Recently a Vermont paper reprinted the article as well.
5. I don't like toast but I love grilled cheese sandwiches. Does that make sense?
6. I am married to the man I took to my high school prom and still live in the house we bought when I was 22, less then a mile from the above mentioned high school.
7. My faith and family are the most important things in my life. I have been blessed richly by my Lord. I have a wonderful husband, 5 healthy children, a safe home, fabulous friends and the resources to indulge in a hobby (okay, I know it borders on obsession, but humor me) that has introduced me to wonderful women from around the world.

Now to tag a some people
I will start with my friend, Julianna, she is so incredibly talented. She is currently bogged down in the whole Christmas, visiting family, kids home from school thing too. But her blog "stamping with inky fingers " is certainly worth checking out.
Next I would like you to check out my friend Judy's blog "Joy in a JAR". She wrote about resolutions yesterday, and it was fabulous! I think I will need to jump on board with her because I have a couple of things I need to be resolute about in my life.
I am not going to tag her because I am sure she gets tagged all the time but if you don't already check her out you need to read JanTink's blog, "Stamps, Paper, Scissors". She never fails to make me smile and she is very, very funny.
Another one for you to check out is Linsay's blog "In My Stamp Room". She featured me as her stamper of the week a couple of weeks ago and she has some wonderful tutorials.
At the moment I can't think of anyone else though there are tons of wonderful bloggers out there.


DeeDee said…
Hi! Just popping by via Diane's blog.....I love your work....so wonderful!!! TFS!
Lindsay said…
Thanks for the honor of being tagged, i dont want to be a poor sport about it but i was just tagged about a week or so ago and can't think of anything else to say about myself. I love your cards they are so great!! Keep up the great work!!

Corie said…
Happy New Year!! Big hugs and smiles!
Judy Rozema said…
Thanks, Debi!! I will have to see what I can come up with! :)

Great list of retireds for sale too!

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